• LinkedIn
Extract job posting details from LinkedIn

LinkedIn is undoubtedly the go-to professional networking platform for job seekers, recruiters, and businesses alike. With millions of job postings available, it's crucial to have a reliable and efficient way to extract job posting details from this platform.

Introducing Browse AI's prebuilt robot that enables you to effortlessly extract job posting details from LinkedIn with just a few clicks. This prebuilt robot is ideal for job seekers, recruitment agencies, and businesses looking to hire talent or keep an eye on the hiring landscape.

By using Browse AI's prebuilt robot, you can quickly and easily extract relevant job posting details from LinkedIn. This includes information such as job title, company name, job location, job description, qualifications, and more. You can then use this data to help you identify the most suitable job opportunities.

Also, with Browse AI's bulk run feature, you can extract data from hundreds of job postings simultaneously. Simply provide the links to the job postings, and Browse AI will extract each and every one of them, saving you valuable time and effort.

Once you've extracted the job posting details, you can export the data in various formats, such as a spreadsheet, or save it directly to Google Sheets or Airtable. Additionally, you can integrate the extracted data into your existing workflows using Zapier, allowing for seamless connectivity with over 5,000 applications.

You just need to provide the following:

  • Link to a job posting on LinkedIn

We extract these for you:

  • Job Title
  • Company Name
  • Company Link
  • Location
  • Date Posting
  • Logo
  • Description
  • Seniority Level
  • Employment Type
  • Job Function
  • Industries
Sample Output
Similar Jobs
Similar Job Title
Similar Job Link
Similar Job Company
Similar Job Company Link
Similar Job Location
Similar Job Date Posting


Ürün Destek Uzmanı


TEI - TUSAŞ Motor Sanayii A.Ş.


Eskişehir, Türkiye

text-sm leading-open" datetime="2024-06-27">


İç Denetim Uzmanı


Abdi Ibrahim Pharmaceuticals



text-sm leading-open" datetime="2024-06-28">


Kategori & Satış Uzmanı





text-sm leading-open" datetime="2024-07-17">


İhracat Uzmanı / İstanbul


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text-sm leading-open" datetime="2024-07-24">


Uygulama / Saha Destek Uzmanı


Pusula Kurumsal İş Çözümleri


Greater Istanbul

text-sm leading-open" datetime="2024-07-22">

Captured Text
Job Title
Company Name
Company Link
Date Posting
Seniority Level
Employment Type
Job Function

Müşteri Çözümleri ve Ürün Destek Uzmanı (İnsan Kaynakları Ürünleri)



Istanbul, Türkiye

1 hafta önce


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